90 Jonathan Seal

Date recorded: 9/9/09


1990  2004
Never take thy child for granted
But love them while you may
Enjoy the pleasures that
they bring and cherish
every day.

Earliest date (of death): 2004

Type of monument: Rough stone block

Dimensions (in millimetres):
     monument/headstone: height: 740 breadth: 745 thickness: 380

Orientation of monument/headstone: East facing

Material: Composite? Slate?

Condition: Sound, in place

Number of surfaces bearing: a) decoration: 1 b) inscription: 1

Type of decoration: Hobby

Decorative motif/s: Football

Technique/s used for decoration: incised

Condition of decoration: Sound

Technique/s used for inscription: Incised

Condition of inscription: Mint

Notes: Wording inscribed on a raised heart shaped piece of slate


There is a memorial bench on the north side of the church, near the grave.

Jonathan Sea memorial bench
Jonathan Seal memorial bench on north side of church

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