Date recorded: 8/9/09
Who died April 10th 1846
Aged 49
Died July 7th 1839
Aged 4 years
Likewise in memory of
Richard & Martha
(Cheshir) (butcher)
died June 5th 1831 Aged 72
—- Martha died
Dec 4th 1858 Aged 98
Earliest date (of death): 1831
Type of monument: Round headstone with sinuous corners
Dimensions (in millimetres):
monument/headstone: height: 1125 breadth: 756 thickness: 60
Orientation of monument/headstone: West facing
Material: Sandstone
Condition: Leaning, poor on reverse & ivy, decoration on top worn away
Number of surfaces bearing: a) decoration: 1 b) inscription: 1
Type of decoration: Not visible
Decorative motif/s: Not visible
Technique/s used for decoration: Relief
Condition of decoration: Gone
Technique/s used for inscription: Incised
Condition of inscription: Mostly decipherable
Name of mason: Knighton
Notes: inscription – date 1846 and age 49 in register as illegible on stone.
Chessine in register but looks like Cheshire on stone.
1858 in register illegible on stone