In Ever Loving Memory of
Principal tutor of the London Hospital
Daughter of Edward and
Jane Margaret Harris
Died Dec 18th 1951
Age 54 years
At Pantycaragle
I know that my Redeemer liveth
Click images to enlarge.
A window on the north side of the nave of the church is dedicated to the memory of Annie Harris. It shows Jesus knocking on the door, reflecting the text, “Behold I stand at the door and knock.” (Revelation 3.20) It also depicts Christ teaching the children.

Upper banner
I am the light of
the world.
Lower banner
Be thou my guide my strength
My wisdom and my all
To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Annie
Harris of Pantygaragle. Principal tutor at the London
Hospital. Died Dec 18th 1951. Aged 54 years. Given by her family.
Whatsoever thy hand finded to do, do it with thy might.