Date recorded: 15/07/13
Near to this Place Lies
the Body; of John
Handson, who dep=
arted this life Augt
21th: in the Year 1796,
in the Eleventh Year
of his Age.
Affection tender, and his Te=
mper mild, A loving and Ob=
edient Child, A tomb and Verse
is all I now can give And here
my Child thy Name shall ever live.
Also here lieth the bo=
dy of William and Sarah Handson. Who
departed this life in
the 2th: Year of their Age.
Their times were Short, they cod
No longer stay, Their dear Red=
eemer call’d for them away.
Click image to enlarge.
Note: This wooden memorial is located on the south side of the church, on the inside, near the front of the nave.