Date recorded: 10/10/09
In memory of
Widow of William Phene Esqre of London
Who died May 1st 1870 aged 34 years.
This memorial is erected by her children as an acknowledgement of her tenderness and worth
Click images to enlarge.
Earliest date (of death): 1870
Type of monument: Chest tomb, Kerbs, three posts each side, grey infill chippings.
Dimensions (in millimetres):
a) monument/headstone: height: 980 breadth: 760 thickness: 2100
b) base: height: breadth: thickness:
c) kerbs: height: 120 (above ground) breadth: 3040 (incl. posts) thickness: 3040 (incl. posts)
d) footstone: height: breadth: thickness:
Orientation of monument/headstone: South facing
Material: Sandstone
Condition: Sound, in place
Number of surfaces bearing: a) decoration: 6 b) inscription: 1
Type of decoration: Symbolic, architectural
Decorative motif/s: Cross, flowers, leaves, quatrefoils
Technique/s used for decoration: High relief
Condition of decoration: Sound, slightly worn
Technique/s used for inscription: Incised
Condition of inscription: Clear but worn
Name of mason: DODSON SALOP
Notes: Shares kerbs with 188